Thursday, January 16, 2014

Too much is Never Enough

A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.
v. hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards
To gather or accumulate a hoard.
1. To accumulate a hoard of.
2. To keep hidden or private.
A few members of this family business fit that description. Pen collectors in need of parts and boxes have been rejoicing- and emailing- and calling. 
Why? One family member is mending his ways; Or at least allowing other store employees to relinquish fountain pen boxes. In the beginning he was being frugal- a trait that has kept the store in good financial health; this frugal nature led to "holding on to stuff" - "you never know when you might need somethin".  The family storage unit was discovered by some riff-raff ( now in jail after a conviction on multiple charges) the event has led the hoarder to reduce a small amount of his stash. For those who might seek out this storage area- The hoarder is now armed. I wouldn't mess with him. REALLY.
From Waterman to Mont Blanc, old pen boxes are selling like grandma's banana bread. 

Vanness has not posted these items to our website but we have listed on Ebay and added them to our Vanness facebook page.

Are you looking for a special pen box? email us at we have a wide variety. Most of the boxes will be pre-2000's.
I should stop writing before I reveal any more family secrets. 